3  Accessing UK Air Quality Data


David Carslaw

This section outlines the different ways users can access the abundant air quality data in the UK. The main functions provide easy access to hourly data and other statistical summaries such as annual means and data capture rates. Easy access is also provided to site meta data such as longitude, latitude, site type and details of the pollutants measured.

3.1 Accessing data

The UK has a surprisingly large amount of air quality data that is publicly accessible. The main UK AURN archive and regional (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) together with Imperial College London’s London Air Quality Network (LAQN) are important and large databases of information that allow free public access. Storing and managing data in this way has many advantages including consistent data format, and underlying high quality methods to process and store the data.

openair has a core function that provides users with extensive access to UK air quality data; importUKAQ(). Ricardo has provided .RData files (R workspaces) for several important air quality networks in the UK. These files are updated on a daily basis. This approach requires a link to the Internet to work. The work of Trevor Davies at Ricardo is greatly appreciated in making all the data available. The networks available through importUKAQ() include:

  • The UK national network, the Automatic Urban and Rural Network. This is the main UK network.

  • The UK “devolved” networks:

  • Locally managed AQ networks in England. These are sites operated in most cases by Local Authorities but may also include monitoring from other programmes, industry and airports. The location and purpose of these sites differs from the national network which is governed by strict rules of the air quality directives. As a result there is a broad range of site types, equipment and data quality practices. For more information see here. These data represent information from about 15 different local air quality networks.

Also available is importKCL() for accessing data from the sites operated by Imperial College London1, primarily including the The London Air Quality Network.

Many users download hourly data from UK AIR. Most commonly, the data are emailed to the user as .csv files and have a fixed format as shown below. This is a useful facility but does have some limitations and frustrations, many of which have been overcome using a new way of storing and downloading the data described below.

There are several advantages over the web portal approach where .csv files are downloaded. First, it is quick to select a range of sites, pollutants and periods (see examples below). Second, storing the data as .RData objects is very efficient as they are about four times smaller than .csv files (which are already small) — which means the data downloads quickly and saves bandwidth. Third, the function completely avoids any need for data manipulation or setting time formats, time zones etc. Finally, it is easy to import many years of data. The final point makes it possible to download several long time series in one go.

The site codes and pollutant names can be upper or lower case.

Some examples of usage are shown below. First load the packages we need.

3.2 Site Meta Data

3.2.1 National networks

The first question is, what sites are available and what do they measure? Users can access the details of air pollution monitoring sites using the importMeta() function. The user only needs to provide the network name and (optionally) whether all data should be returned and whether certain periods should be considered. By default only site type, latitude and longitude are returned.

aurn_meta <- importMeta(source = "aurn")
# A tibble: 297 × 6
   source site                           code  latitude longitude site_type     
   <chr>  <chr>                          <chr>    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>         
 1 aurn   Aberdeen                       ABD       57.2     -2.09 Urban Backgro…
 2 aurn   Aberdeen Erroll Park           ABD9      57.2     -2.09 Urban Backgro…
 3 aurn   Aberdeen Union Street Roadside ABD7      57.1     -2.11 Urban Traffic 
 4 aurn   Aberdeen Wellington Road       ABD8      57.1     -2.09 Urban Traffic 
 5 aurn   Armagh Roadside                ARM6      54.4     -6.65 Urban Traffic 
 6 aurn   Aston Hill                     AH        52.5     -3.03 Rural Backgro…
 7 aurn   Auchencorth Moss               ACTH      55.8     -3.24 Rural Backgro…
 8 aurn   Ballymena Antrim Road          BAAR      54.9     -6.27 Urban Traffic 
 9 aurn   Ballymena Ballykeel            BALM      54.9     -6.25 Urban Backgro…
10 aurn   Barnsley                       BARN      53.6     -1.48 Urban Backgro…
# ℹ 287 more rows

Or return much more detailed data that includes which pollutants are measured at each site and site start / end dates. The option all = TRUE should be added.

aurn_meta <- importMeta(source = "aurn", all = TRUE)

# what comes back?
Rows: 2,889
Columns: 14
$ source          <chr> "aurn", "aurn", "aurn", "aurn", "aurn", "aurn", "aurn"…
$ code            <chr> "ABD", "ABD", "ABD", "ABD", "ABD", "ABD", "ABD", "ABD"…
$ site            <chr> "Aberdeen", "Aberdeen", "Aberdeen", "Aberdeen", "Aberd…
$ site_type       <chr> "Urban Background", "Urban Background", "Urban Backgro…
$ latitude        <dbl> 57.15736, 57.15736, 57.15736, 57.15736, 57.15736, 57.1…
$ longitude       <dbl> -2.094278, -2.094278, -2.094278, -2.094278, -2.094278,…
$ variable        <chr> "O3", "NO", "NO2", "NOx", "SO2", "CO", "PM10", "NV10",…
$ Parameter_name  <chr> "Ozone", "Nitric oxide", "Nitrogen dioxide", "Nitrogen…
$ start_date      <dttm> 2003-08-01, 1999-09-18, 1999-09-18, 1999-09-18, 2001-…
$ end_date        <chr> "2021-09-20", "2021-09-20", "2021-09-20", "2021-09-20"…
$ ratified_to     <dttm> 2021-09-20, 2021-09-20, 2021-09-20, 2021-09-20, 2007-…
$ zone            <chr> "North East Scotland", "North East Scotland", "North E…
$ agglomeration   <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA…
$ local_authority <chr> "Aberdeen City", "Aberdeen City", "Aberdeen City", "Ab…

Note that importMeta() can import information for several networks at once e.g. source = c("aurn", "saqn").

Often it is useful to consider sites that were open in a particular year or were open for a duration of years. This can be done using the year argument. When year is a range such as year = 2010:2020, only sites that were open across that range of years will be returned. This option is especially useful for trend analysis when there might be an interest in extracting only sites that were measuring over the period of interest. Furthermore, if all = TRUE is used, supplying a year (or years) will select only specific pollutants that were measured during the period of interest.2

For example, to check the number of sites that were open from 2010 to 2022 in the AURN and SAQN combined:

sites_2010_2022 <- importMeta(
  source = c("aurn", "saqn"),
  year = 2010:2022

[1] 141

The example below uses sites on the AURN that measure NO2, but can easily be extended to the other data sources.

To see how many sites measure NO2 in the AURN that are ‘urban traffic’:

aurn_detailed <- importMeta(source = "aurn", all = TRUE)

no2_sites <- filter(
  variable == "NO2",
  site_type == "Urban Traffic"

[1] 91
Use importMeta() as a way to select sites to import

One of the most useful aspects of importMeta() is to use it as a basis to identify site codes to then import data. For example, to import data from the AURN for sites that have been in operation from 2005 to 2020:

sites_2005_2020 <- importMeta(
  source = "aurn",
  year = 2005:2020

all_aq_data <- importUKAQ(
  site = sites_2005_2020$code,
  year = 2005:2020

To import data, you can use the different versions of importUKAQ(). Some examples are below.

## import all pollutants from Marylebone Rd from 2000:2005
mary <- importUKAQ(site = "my1", year = 2000:2005)

## import nox, no2, o3 from Marylebone Road and Nottingham Centre for 2000
thedata <- importUKAQ(
  site = c("my1", "nott"), year = 2000,
  pollutant = c("nox", "no2", "o3")

## import over 30 years of Mace Head O3 data!
o3 <- importUKAQ(site = "mh", year = 1987:2019)

## import hydrocarbon data from Marylebone Road
hc <- importUKAQ(site = "my1", year = 2008, hc = TRUE)

## Import data from the AQE network (York data in this case)
yk13 <- importUKAQ(site = "yk13", year = 2018, source = "aqe")

## Import data from the AURN *and* AQE network!
duo <- importUKAQ(site = c("my1", "yk13"), year = 2020, source = c("aurn", "aqe"))

And to include basic meta data when importing air pollution data:

kc1 <- importUKAQ(site = "kc1", year = 2018, meta = TRUE)

Rows: 8,760
Columns: 18
$ source    <chr> "aurn", "aurn", "aurn", "aurn", "aurn", "aurn", "aurn", "aur…
$ site      <chr> "London N. Kensington", "London N. Kensington", "London N. K…
$ code      <chr> "KC1", "KC1", "KC1", "KC1", "KC1", "KC1", "KC1", "KC1", "KC1…
$ date      <dttm> 2018-01-01 00:00:00, 2018-01-01 01:00:00, 2018-01-01 02:00:…
$ co        <dbl> 0.114872, 0.111043, 0.112000, 0.100512, 0.091897, 0.100512, …
$ nox       <dbl> 8.32519, 8.89934, 9.41967, 9.36584, 7.21277, 7.64339, 10.173…
$ no2       <dbl> 8.11153, 8.54325, 8.99235, 8.93852, 6.94570, 7.26948, 10.013…
$ no        <dbl> 0.13935, 0.23224, 0.27869, 0.27869, 0.17418, 0.24386, 0.1045…
$ o3        <dbl> 70.98040, 67.52118, 69.69982, 70.49810, 71.74542, 70.49810, …
$ so2       <dbl> NA, 2.40953, 2.49812, 2.12606, 2.39181, 2.28551, 2.23236, 2.…
$ pm10      <dbl> 12.425, 7.375, 5.625, 3.200, 3.875, 5.050, 9.400, 12.400, 15…
$ pm2.5     <dbl> 8.892, 4.363, 3.137, 1.792, 2.146, 2.618, 4.575, 6.109, 7.05…
$ ws        <dbl> 5.5, 5.0, 4.8, 4.8, 5.3, 5.3, 4.4, 3.0, 2.6, 1.6, 1.6, 1.1, …
$ wd        <dbl> 263.3, 256.4, 251.0, 246.8, 248.4, 248.0, 245.8, 239.5, 232.…
$ air_temp  <dbl> 5.5, 5.1, 4.9, 4.7, 4.9, 5.0, 5.0, 4.6, 4.2, 3.7, 5.4, 5.7, …
$ latitude  <dbl> 51.52105, 51.52105, 51.52105, 51.52105, 51.52105, 51.52105, …
$ longitude <dbl> -0.213492, -0.213492, -0.213492, -0.213492, -0.213492, -0.21…
$ site_type <chr> "Urban Background", "Urban Background", "Urban Background", …

By default, the function returns data where each pollutant is in a separate column. However, it is possible to return the data in a tidy format (column for pollutant name, column for value) by using the option to_narrow:

my1 <- importUKAQ("my1", year = 2018, to_narrow = TRUE)

It is also possible to return information on whether the data have been ratified or not using the option ratified (FALSE by default). So, add the option ratified = TRUE if you want this information.

3.2.2 Local networks

In the case of locally available data, it is useful to know who the data providers are, which are shown below.

# access local meta data to get provider
meta_local <- importMeta("local", all = TRUE)
 [1] "Sussex Air Quality Network"                         
 [2] "Air Quality in North Lincolnshire "                 
 [3] "Kent and Medway Air Quality"                        
 [4] "Londonair"                                          
 [5] "Essex Air Quality Network"                          
 [6] "Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire Air Quality Network "
 [7] "Wiltshire Air Quality"                              
 [8] "UK Air Quality"                                     
 [9] "Hampshire Air Quality Network"                      
[10] "Nottingham Air Quality"                             
[11] "Heathrow Airwatch"                                  
[12] "Norfolk Air Quality"                                
[13] "Leicester Council AQ Network"                       
[14] "Wolverhampton Air Quality"                          
[15] "Liverpool Air Quality"                              

3.3 Plot Sites on a Map

To easily visualise entire monitoring networks, consider using the openairmaps R package. This package can be installed from CRAN, similar to openair.


This package contains the networkMap() function which acts as a wrapper around importMeta() and returns a detailed map similar to the one produced below, with many options for customisation. For example, sites can be clustered together to avoid clutter, and an optional “control menu” can be added to filter for certain sites (e.g., different site types, shown below).

networkMap(source = "aurn", control = "site_type")
Figure 3.1: Plotting the AURN using the openairmaps package.

For more information about using openairmaps to build maps of monitoring networks, please refer to the Network Visualisation Page.

3.4 Annual and other statistics

By default, all the functions above return hourly data. However, often there is a need to return data such as annual means of a long period of time. importUKAQ() (but not importKCL()) can return data for averaging times: annual, monthly, daily and for SO2 15-minute. The annual and monthly data also provide valuable information on data capture rates. The averaging statistic is selected with the data_type option. The values data_type can take include:

  • “hourly” This is the default and specific site(s) must be provided.
  • “daily” Daily means returned and specific site(s) must be provided. Note that in the case of PM10 and PM2.5 daily measurements can be available from those derived from hourly measurements (using instruments such as TEOM, BAM and FIDAS) and our daily gravimetric measurements such as from a Partisol. In the returned data the gravimetric daily measurements are shown as gr_pm10 and gr_pm2.5, respectively.
  • “monthly” Monthly means returned. No site code is needed because all data for a particular year are returned. Data capture statistics are also given.
  • “annual” Annual means returned. No site code is needed because all data for a particular year are returned. Data capture statistics are also given.
  • “15_min” 15-minute SO2 concentrations returned for a specific site(s).
  • “8_hour” Rolling 8-hour concentrations returned for a specific site(s) for O3 and CO.
  • “24_hour” Rolling 24-hour concentrations returned for a specific site(s) for PM10 and PM2.5.
  • “daily_max_8” Maximum daily rolling 8-hour maximum for O3 and CO.
  • “daqi” Daily Air Quality Index (DAQI). See here for more details of how the index is defined.

Note that for annual and monthly statistics all network data is returned and the site option has no effect.

As an example, to import 5 years of annual mean data from the AURN:

uk_annual <- importUKAQ(year = 2016:2020, data_type = "annual", source = "AURN")

By default, this will return data in “wide” format with a pollutant and its data capture rate in separate columns. Often it is more useful to have “narrow” format data, which is possible to select with the to_narrow option. Furthermore, it is also possible to return site meta data (site type, latitude and longitude) at the same time.

Below is an example of obtaining annual mean data for 2020.

uk_2020 <- importUKAQ(
  year = 2020,
  source = "aurn",
  data_type = "annual",
  meta = TRUE,
  to_narrow = TRUE

# A tibble: 3,268 × 10
   source code  site    date                species  value data_capture latitude
   <chr>  <chr> <chr>   <dttm>              <chr>    <dbl>        <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 aurn   ABD   Aberde… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 o3       45.5         0.610     57.2
 2 aurn   ABD   Aberde… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 o3.dai…  57.5        NA         57.2
 3 aurn   ABD   Aberde… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 o3.aot…  NA          NA         57.2
 4 aurn   ABD   Aberde… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 o3.aot…  NA          NA         57.2
 5 aurn   ABD   Aberde… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 somo35  502.          0.607     57.2
 6 aurn   ABD   Aberde… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 no        4.60        0.945     57.2
 7 aurn   ABD   Aberde… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 no2      13.5         0.945     57.2
 8 aurn   ABD   Aberde… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 nox      20.5         0.945     57.2
 9 aurn   ABD   Aberde… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 so2      NA          NA         57.2
10 aurn   ABD   Aberde… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 co       NA          NA         57.2
# ℹ 3,258 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: longitude <dbl>, site_type <chr>

The pollutants returned include:

 [1] "o3"                 "o3.daily.max.8hour" "o3.aot40v"         
 [4] "o3.aot40f"          "somo35"             "no"                
 [7] "no2"                "nox"                "so2"               
[10] "co"                 "pm10"               "nv10"              
[13] "v10"                "pm2.5"              "nv2.5"             
[16] "v2.5"               "gr10"               "gr2.5"             
[19] "o3.summer"         

Now it is easy for example, to select annual mean data from 2020 for NO2 with a data capture rate of at least 80%:

uk_2020 %>%
  filter(species == "no2", data_capture >= 0.8)
# A tibble: 144 × 10
   source code  site     date                species value data_capture latitude
   <chr>  <chr> <chr>    <dttm>              <chr>   <dbl>        <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 aurn   ABD   Aberdeen 2020-01-01 00:00:00 no2     13.5         0.945     57.2
 2 aurn   ABD7  Aberdee… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 no2     23.6         0.982     57.1
 3 aurn   ABD8  Aberdee… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 no2     25.1         0.995     57.1
 4 aurn   AH    Aston H… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 no2      2.81        0.983     52.5
 5 aurn   ARM6  Armagh … 2020-01-01 00:00:00 no2     21.1         0.960     54.4
 6 aurn   BAAR  Ballyme… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 no2     15.6         0.893     54.9
 7 aurn   BALM  Ballyme… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 no2     10.3         0.993     54.9
 8 aurn   BAR3  Barnsle… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 no2     11.9         0.970     53.6
 9 aurn   BBRD  Birkenh… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 no2     16.9         0.984     53.4
10 aurn   BDMA  Bradfor… 2020-01-01 00:00:00 no2     34.4         0.805     53.8
# ℹ 134 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: longitude <dbl>, site_type <chr>

For the AURN, it is also possible to return the DAQI (Daily Air Quality Index) by pollutant to save deriving it.

daqi_2020 <- importUKAQ(
  year = 2020,
  source = "aurn",
  data_type = "daqi",
  meta = TRUE

# A tibble: 148,513 × 12
   source code  site      pollutant date                concentration poll_index
   <chr>  <chr> <chr>     <chr>     <dttm>                      <dbl>      <int>
 1 aurn   ABD   Aberdeen  no2       2020-01-01 00:00:00          39.2          1
 2 aurn   ABD   Aberdeen  pm10      2020-01-01 00:00:00          10            1
 3 aurn   ABD   Aberdeen  pm2.5     2020-01-01 00:00:00           9            1
 4 aurn   ABD7  Aberdeen… no2       2020-01-01 00:00:00          42.4          1
 5 aurn   ABD8  Aberdeen… no2       2020-01-01 00:00:00          30.6          1
 6 aurn   ACTH  Auchenco… o3        2020-01-01 00:00:00          57            2
 7 aurn   ACTH  Auchenco… pm10      2020-01-01 00:00:00          14            1
 8 aurn   ACTH  Auchenco… pm2.5     2020-01-01 00:00:00          12            2
 9 aurn   AGRN  Birmingh… no2       2020-01-01 00:00:00          23.2          1
10 aurn   AGRN  Birmingh… o3        2020-01-01 00:00:00          35            2
# ℹ 148,503 more rows
# ℹ 5 more variables: band <fct>, measurement_period <chr>, latitude <dbl>,
#   longitude <dbl>, site_type <chr>

  1. The data were first accessible when the Environmental Research Group was based at King’s College London.↩︎

  2. Note that while a site may have been in operation for a long time, it is not necessarily the case that all pollutants were measured since the start of the site.↩︎