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deweather (development version)

New Features

  • The plot assemblies in plotPD() and testMod() are now powered by patchwork. This will allow for more post-hoc control of the plot assembly using & for example.

  • Users can now select their parallelisation type in buildMod() (@djg46).

  • Added n.core arguments to runGbm() and testMod(), which are passed to gbm::gbm(). This may improve function performance (@djg46).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where buildMod() would fail if there wasn’t a character variable (e.g., “weekday”).

  • Added ylab back as an explicit option for plotPD().

  • prepData() will now formally error if mydata$date is numeric/character/factor (i.e., not a date/datetime).

  • Fixed a bug where plotPD() would work differently if the input to buildMod() was a data.frame rather than a tibble.

deweather 0.7.2

Breaking changes

  • All functions which expect a deweather object now use the argument name dw_model for consistency.

  • The default values for vars in any model-building function now uses “air_temp” over “temp”. This brings it in line with road_data and worldmet outputs.

  • gbm.interactions() has been renamed gbmInteractions() for consistency with other functions.

  • gbmInf() has been renamed plotInfluence() to be more descriptive and consistent with other plotting functions.

  • plotAllPD() has been combined with plotPD() and has therefore been removed.

  • dat is no longer exported. Users should use road_data to demo deweather functions.

New features

  • plotPD() now holds all the functionality for plotting partial dependency plots, deprecating plotAllPD(). (#12)

    • By default, all partial dependencies are plotted (similar to plotAllPD()). The variable argument allows users to specify specific variables (similar to the old plotPD()). Multiple variables can be provided.

    • The col argument controls the colour of the PD plots. If multiple colours are specified, they are repeated until all variables have been visualised.

    • The polar.wd argument will optionally show the wind direction PD on polar coordinates.

  • plotInfluence() (previously gmbInf()) has gained two new arguments:

    • sort (defaults to TRUE) will sort the variables by their mean influence, ordering the values on the y-axis.

    • col controls the colours. Users can specify var (which makes each bar a different colour) or mean (which colours by the x-axis values).

  • Many plotting functions have received the plot argument to suppress printing their plots, bringing deweather in line with recent versions of openair.

  • testMod() invisibly returns its table of statistics along with its plot. (#9)

  • testMod() now prints one plot and one table rather than one plot and two tables. This ensures the printed plot will be less distorted.

  • The lists returned by plotPD() are now named, making them easier to index. (#10)

  • deweather model objects now have nicer print(), plot(), head(), tail() and summary() methods.

Bug fixes

  • diurnalGbm() now no longer plots extra 2-way graphs as it performs its internal calculations.

deweather 0.7-1