Meteorological Normalisation with {deweather}
#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) :
#> object 'type_sum.accel' not found
Meteorology plays a central role in affecting the concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere. When considering trends in air pollutants it can be very difficult to know whether a change in concentration is due to emissions or meteorology.
The deweather package uses a powerful statistical technique based on boosted regression trees using the gbm package 1. Statistical models are developed to explain concentrations using meteorological and other variables. These models can be tested on randomly withheld data with the aim of developing the most appropriate model.
Example data set
The deweather package comes with a comprehensive data set of air quality and meteorological data. The air quality data is from Marylebone Road in central London (obtained from the openair package) and the meteorological data from Heathrow Airport (obtained from the worldmet package).
The road_data
data frame contains various pollutants
such a NOx, NO2, ethane and isoprene as well as
meteorological data including wind speed, wind direction, relative
humidity, ambient temperature and cloud cover. Code to obtain this data
directly can be found here.
#> # A tibble: 6 × 11
#> date nox no2 ethane isoprene benzene ws wd air_temp
#> <dttm> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1998-01-01 00:00:00 546 74 NA NA NA 1 280 3.6
#> 2 1998-01-01 01:00:00 NA NA NA NA NA 1 230 3.5
#> 3 1998-01-01 02:00:00 NA NA NA NA NA 1.5 180 4.25
#> 4 1998-01-01 03:00:00 944 99 NA NA NA NA NA NA
#> 5 1998-01-01 04:00:00 894 149 NA NA NA 1.5 180 3.8
#> 6 1998-01-01 05:00:00 506 80 NA NA NA 1 190 3.5
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: RH <dbl>, cl <dbl>
To speed up the examples in this article we’ll randomly sample some
of road_data
Construct and test model(s)
The testMod()
function is used to build and test various
models to help derive the most appropriate.
In this example, we will restrict the data to model to 4 years. Note
that variables such as "hour"
and "weekday"
are used as variables that can be used to explain some of the variation.
for example very usefully acts as a proxy for the
diurnal variation in emissions. These temporal emission proxies are also
important to include to help the model differentiate between emission
versus weather-related changes. For example, emissions tend to change
throughout a day and so do variables such as wind speed and ambient
# select only part of the data set
dat_part <- selectByDate(road_data, year = 2001:2004)
# to speed up the example, sample rows in `dat_part`
# not needed in reality
dat_part <- dplyr::slice_sample(dat_part, prop = 1/10)
# test a model with commonly used covariates
mod_test <-
vars = c("trend", "ws", "wd", "hour", "weekday", "air_temp", "week"),
pollutant = "no2"
#> ℹ Optimum number of trees is 398
#> ℹ RMSE from cross-validation is 23.59
#> ℹ Percent increase in RMSE using test data is 28.0%
The output shows by default the performance of the model when applied to a withheld random 20% (by default) of the data, i.e., the model is evaluated against data not used to build the model. Common model evaluation metrics are also given.
Build a model
Assuming that a good model can be developed, it can now be explored
in more detail using the optimum number of trees from
mod_no2 <- buildMod(
vars = c("trend", "ws", "wd", "hour", "weekday", "air_temp", "week"),
pollutant = "no2",
n.trees = mod_test$optimum_trees,
n.core = 6
This function returns a deweather
object that can be
interrogated as shown below.
Examine the partial dependencies
Plot all partial dependencies
One of the benefits of the boosted regression tree approach is that the partial dependencies can be explored. In simple terms, the partial dependencies show the relationship between the pollutant of interest and the covariates used in the model while holding the value of other covariates at their mean level.
plotPD(mod_no2, nrow = 4)
Plot two-way interactions
It can be very useful to plot important two-way interactions. In this
example the interaction between "ws"
is considered. The plot shows that
NO2 tends to be high when the wind speed is low and the
temperature is low, i.e., stable atmospheric conditions. Also
NO2 tends to be high when the temperature is high, which is
most likely due to more O3 available to convert NO to
NO2. In fact, background O3 would probably be a
useful covariate to add to the model.
Apply meteorological averaging
An indication of the meteorologically-averaged trend is
given by the plotPD()
function above, and can even be
isolated using the variable
plotPD(mod_no2, variable = "trend")
A much better indication is given by using the model to predict many
times with random sampling of meteorological
conditions. This sampling is carried out by the metSim()
function. Note that in this case there is no need to supply the
component because it is calculated using
Now it is possible to plot the resulting trend.
openair::timePlot(demet, "no2", ylab = "Deweathered no2 (ug/m3)")
The plot shows the trend in NO2 controlling for the main weather variables. The plot now reveals the strong diurnal and weekly cycle in NO2 that is driven by variations in the sources of NO2 (NOx) rather than meteorology i.e. road traffic which has strong hourly and daily variations throughout the year. It can be useful to simply average the results to provide a better indication of the overall trend. For example:
openair::timePlot(demet, "no2", avg.time = "week", ylab = "Deweathered no2 (ug/m3)")